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In-Place/Large/Vertical Etching Photo Album

Garage Door


This garage door assumed a whole new personality with the addition of etched windows.

Did you guess that the window on our Home page is part a project to turn an ordinary garage door into a work of art?

       Our client used Egress Etch stencil pattern 08-PL-58-01 extensively in his Victorian home restoration to "dress up" such unglamorous glass as garage and basement windows. As you can see on this and on the restored Victorian Door and basement window pages, formerly plain panes now add greatly to the style and architecture of the home.

       Our client tells us, "I used this Egress Etch pattern all around my Victorian home. We used it both horizontally (shown here) and vertically (as in the basement entry door) depending on the dimensions of the windows. We etched the glass for privacy and got beautiful windows as well!

       "We get lots of compliments on our etching. The stencils were very easy to use. Your recommendations and ability to size the design to all the different windows was a great benefit for our project.

       "Thank you, Egress Etch...You folks are the best!" -- a very satisfied customer

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