EgressEtch Glass Etching Stencils, Supplies, and Instruction

Custom Designs


       Egress Etch enjoys becoming involved in unusual projects and custom design work. Below are some client photos of beautiful, decorative, and conversation - starting uses of glass etching by such diverse hobbyists as home wine-makers, antique auto aficionados and classic car collectors.

       If you're interested in some custom work from original art, please email us with a quick description of the project and the exact measurements of the "etch-able" area you want the design to cover. We'll give you a quote for layout and cutting of the stencils. We're looking forward to working with you, and when the project is finished, perhaps we can feature it here on our website!

       *We at Egress Etch take pride in our work and never knowingly use other people's designs without their permission. We cannot cut stencils using registered, trade-marked, licensed, or copyrighted materials. It is our clients' responsibility to ensure that any artwork submitted to us is absolutely original or that written permission has been granted for us to create a stencil from the copyrighted design.


Etched glass windscreen on a Model A Ford
Windscreen for a Model "A" Ford
Cheese plate and wine bottle etched with custom designed glass etching stencils from Egress Etch.
Cheese plate and wine bottle from "Hayes Whinery"
Vent Window on a 1957 Chevy BelAir
Vent window on a 1957 Chevy Bel Air
Etched glass windscreen on a Model T Ford
Windscreen for a Model "T" Ford


       If you've etched a project using Egress Etch stencils and materials and have good, clear photos of your project, we would love to show them off on this website!

Please remember: Due to the necessity of a very tight seal between stencil and glass surface, Egress Etch stencils are made from adhesive backed vinyl and are SINGLE USE only.


    In Place, Vertical, and Large Project Etching      Custom Designs   

       Custom Stencils for Glassware      What types of glassware can I etch?   

    What is "Weeding?"      How To Etch Glass: General Instructions   


Page copyright © 2004, 2018Egress Etch and Michelle E. Crean. All Rights Reserved.
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